What has NPHTI meant to you? Has a training workshop changed your professional life? Has your child been helped by a NPHTI trained professional? Have you found a community of like-minded child-health professionals who share your passion for learning, doing good work, and making a difference? We are so glad you found us!
Your tax-deductible gift will help us move into the future securely, prepared to continue this legacy of life-changing training into the next generation. Thank you!
Here's how you can help:
Mail a check
100% of your donation goes to NPHTI
Bank transfer with Zelle
100% of your donation goes to NPHTI
Send money with Venmo
A small processing fee is deducted from your donation
Use a credit card with Stripe
A small processing fee is deducted from your donation
Share your NPHTI experience
Your referral is the most powerful donation to NPHTI's future!
Mail a check, made out to NPHTI, to the address of our Treasurer:
Robert Pendergrast, MD
122 Bonhill Street
North Augusta, SC 29860
Make a direct transfer from your bank to NPHTI's Bank of America account using Zelle. NPHTI's Zelle account is identified by the email address of our treasurer, drpendergrast[at]gmail[dot]com
Note: Dr. Pendergrast's email has been formatted above to avoid bots. When donating with Zelle, use @ and .com according to standard email format.
Click here for a simple, secure donation using Venmo. You can also scan the QR code to go directly to our Venmo page:

For international donors or those unable to use the other methods, click here to securely enter a credit card donation through Stripe. You can also scan the QR code to go directly to our Stripe page:

And finally, share this with your colleagues and friends. Someone told you about NPHTI long ago, who knows what might happen for someone new!